Anais Nin writes:

“To say that the artist is not serving humanity is monstrous.

He has been the eyes, the ears, the voice of humanity.

He was always the transcendentalist who X-rayed our true states of being.”

-Arriving late last night to a city I have dreamed of for many years.

A fog cradled city full of beaches, trolleys, activists.

A city I dreamed to be full of artists who sit in cafes and drink their doppio’s, while creating masterpieces.

I am here with the most beautiful Erin Faith Allen supporting her at “Call of the Wild Soul.”

Being among other humans who create deep soulful connections and art has revived me.

Already I can feel my veins pulsing to a different beat.

Dancing electrically.

I am alive and living one of my dreams.

I am traveling, creating and connection on deep levels and I feel:




I have so many days ahead of me.

This is just the begining…