I am Brave.


I am brave,

I have to be…

The world calls it out of me.

With a heart that feels so strongly, I must hold the reigns tightly.

Tighter than most. I buckle down and accept a great deal of unchangeable things. 

I am brave because I love regardless of whats given or thought of me.

I am brave because I venture past control and knowing.

I am brave for knowing my worth regardless of a circumstance.

I am brave for feeling when it is scary.

Often it is very scary.

I am brave for being myself, for dreaming for hoping.

Because these three things can bring so very much pain.

I am brave…

Feb 3

The moment I brought up mandrakes and beets I knew I loved you.

It’s been confirmed many times over since then.

Our sarcastic eyes, love of golden girls and love affair with food are just starters.

I love the fact your up for anything and so beautifully chill.

You get me in the most down to earth way.

This is a gift to understand my complexities and messiness.

You make people feel safe and understood!

I love how in such a very short time you have left a legacy.

Feb 2

I like lists. Lists make me feel organized and accomplished.

Sometimes I write so emotionally or romantically about moments, that it is good to write a good ol’e list for a change.

Here is our perfect day in a list:

Icelandic chocolate…

J Dilla: Lightworks…

Stumptown coffee…

My boys…

Docks and sunsets…



Baked brie, honey and pear…

Foreign films…