
1) Remember all those reader digest books we found in an abandoned house?

Well made collage packets to give away at Call of the Wild Soul. I spent lovely spring days ripping scraps of paper, tea staining and bundling each packet. It was delightful to see the pieces of art the students created using the material. collage2

2) Print photos from our Honey Moon at Artifact Uprising!

My sister gifted me our honeymoon album for christmas, pretty much the greatest! IMG_2824

3) Life hack our house especially the kitchen!

I organized that baby real goooood! To my surprise our place had a pretty large kitchen, so no need for crazy hacking to make everything fit.

4) Write Love Letters to people whom need them. :( I am the worst at letter writing. I always swear I am going too, because honestly I do love it.

5) Collage/write my heart… It’s time. I can feel the need to create about living in India and Nepal.

Guess what?!! I made and remade over 100 collages about my time in Asia. I never feel quite done, always re-arranging, tearing up, adding marks. I have enjoyed the process, feeling proud at what has poured out thus far. Pushing myself past the “I can’t think of anything new to do” times. indiacollage

6) Streamline bills. Why? Because life is easier that way.

DONE! GO streamline your bills NOW. Its amazing. I love having them in ONE place. It is a dream.

7) Learn how to make a Cyanotype which is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print!

This is rolling over to next years list. I must learn how!!

8) Keep getting in shape. Right before turning 26 I decided it was high time to make working out a regular part of my life. 

(Not an optional one.) I am dedicated to expanding what that looks like this year!

Surprisingly drinking water is the hardest part. I have most days stayed very dedicated to being in shape. Like anything in life there are up’s and downs.workout

9) Drink champagne for the first time.

First I am addicted… Not really, but seriously good stuff. Upon getting our new apt we popped a bottle of champagne (which I had taste tested with my girl Grace,) DEVINE if I do say so myself! Perfect way to celebrate our new start in a new state.  

10) Make art with Orly Avineri. 

Crazy magical things do happen. Erin Faith Allen owner of Call of the Wild Soul contacted me and said “I have a crazy idea. Would you like to photograph our New Mexico art retreat?” An art retreat I actually really, really wanted to attend. What do you know, Orly was one of the teachers! I was able to create along side this beauty a few times and still months later feel pretty elated to be apart of a community with incredible woman like them! sigh! 

11) Create a desk/workspace in our new home, where I can edit without being hunched over or burning my legs.

Our dining table became my workspace. It is convenient that’s what it boils down too. 

12) To that note I also want to freshin up our bedroom, wether that means a head board or new bed spread. It has been the least focused on room in the house.

I bought a few things here and there over the year for this space and it feels muuuuuuch better. I love our tiny room now. 

13) Use milage for an airline ticket. Where too?

Boise, ID for Brave Girls Symposium!!! 


14) Get my very own sleeping bag, hiking backpack and boots! For real, I am an adult now, I need to invest in proper gear.

Thanks to the parents; I am now prepared for ANYTHING nature throws at me! Okay maybe not, but I feel more comfortable. :)

15) Hike and camp more. A goal we both equally desire.

Done… Done… Done… I had so many outdoor adventures this year and I am not complaining!hiking

16) Visit Asheville before leaving the east coast! Go to Double D’s and Biltmore Estate.

Little did I know, we wouldn’t be leaving the east coast, just leaving Virginia. I will have visited Asheville 5 times since making this promise. Which is nuts!! But also really incredible! Not only because it is quirky and beautiful but because one of our favorite couples lives there, can you say partyyyy!

IMG_3280 IMG_2739ashleville

17) Read 12 books. Focusing on Travel and or Memoirs.

DONE!! Unbroken made me cry a million times (read while my love was in boot camp, not the smartest idea.)


18) Tin type Portraits done. 

Our good friend Miki Ross owner of Analogue Arts and Trade took a few portraits of me last year right before we moved. I treasure them. tintype

19) Learn how to re-wire a lamp. Seriously this has been on my to do list forever. 

My husband taught me how to re-wire a light fixture just after getting our second place together, not as hard as one might think.

20) Go dancing with my husband. Never did, which is a bummer but hey can’t get them all.

21) Learn to make proper cocktails. You know for all those parties we throw.

I have very little photographic evidence of this because well I was too busy drinking them drinks to photograph them.

Favorites include: Mojito, Rum Swizzle, (With lemon instead of grenadine) Dark ‘N’ Stormy and a Classic Champaign Cocktail (Any citrus works well.) 

22) Get a morning routine. Mine consisted of rolling out of bed, throwing on clothes and grabbing a coffee. 1o minutes flat and I was out the door.  

This has come and gone over the seasons of this last year. Mostly it has looked like getting up making a smoothie (with protein), pulling work out clothes on, heading straight to the gym, making the coffee after the working out and before work. Now with a puppy it looks a lot different. ;)

23) Take Nathaniel scuba diving.

We haven’t made it scuba diving YET. We have however been snorkeling all around Florida’s Natural Springs. There are A LOT of them and we have been one by one marking them off our list. snork24) Meet a National Geographic photographer. Shoot with them. A girl can dream…

25) Make a list of things to do and love while living in Jacksonville. Oh and do them…

Slowly but surely seeing some of the amazingness… More than anything we are certainly eating our way through Florida.

26) Apply for collage!!!!!!!  

I applied. I got accepted. I got totally afraid and also super passionate about my photography business that I didn’t take it another step.