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“Bohemian Collective Magazine is a creative lifestyle magazine focusing on free-spirited adornment, sacred nesting and soulful living.

The Bohemian Collective is comprised of artists, dreamers and makers who weave lives of passion and embrace the pursuit of magic. For the first time, The Bohemian Collective is now coming to you in print form so that you can hold it, smell it, treasure it, and keep it by your bed. The magazine is filled with articles about handmade art (and the creative spirits behind it), personal style & adornment, creating sacred spaces in everyday life, self-nourishment, and tuning in to the cosmos (and much more). While there is no limit to what we may write about in our magazine, we can assure you that every article we publish and every photo editorial we produce is born from a source of pure inspiration and heart-felt joy. We are here to create so that we may live freely, and we hope to inspire you to do the same.”

-Laura Mazurek

Purchase your copy HERE!!!

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I have been blessed recently to contribute writing in several places, including this gem:

 Bohemian Collective Magazine. !!!

Most often I am attributed the title of “visual artist,” although this is a facet of what I do, writing was my first love.


When I was little, I would often secretly write little poems on the pages of my mothers scrapbooking paper or tucked in my school notebooks.

I wrote long before I owned a camera or knew how to intuitively collage/paint.

In the last year I have been in the process of coming home to my voice. To my story. To my writing.

It’s publications like this, that hold space for the unfolding of Sacred Truth Telling that light me up.

*I wrote a piece titled Cycles in Bohemian Collective Spring/Summer Issue that I do hope you invest in. The article is about the life and death cycles we and nature go through.

This last year as I journeyed home to my inner self, I went through many deaths and many births. These deaths and births were ultimately the inspiration for rekindling my creative life. 

*I am both honored and grateful for Laura Mazurek’s hard work and vision for soulful living.

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**Journal Prompts above are questions I considered while making hard choosing. Questions that prompted me from the death cycle to move into life…

**A few of the out takes not published in the Bohemian Collective Magazine of Life And Death Cycles photo session.**


Love and Light,

Ashley Fincham