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“Sometimes we go about life thinking that we’re living the love story…

And then something dies, something so hard to let go of, something necessary, and perhaps painful to release.

Maybe an idea of how things are supposed to be.

But part of the Great Mystery is learning to love the unknown.

It’s THEN that the love story can really begin, and the magic can unfold, the fragmented bits begin to make sense and form the real story.

This Easter week I am wishing you the wisdom to sacrifice what is seeking release and experience a rebirth.

Step into your true love story.

You know what to do.

All you need is Love.”

-Pixie Campbell

-My last package from the amazing Lindsay Luna and Agony of Leaves Membership.

It was an amazing few months of the most lovely packaged goods.

Scrumptious tea’s, handmade soaps, lip balms and beautiful gems.

Every time I sat to photograph this tea, drink this tea I felt ease rush into my body.

I felt a little more home.

It has been part of my journey towards loving this body a little more.

A little more.

And a little more.

With each package,

Each sip I marinated in that feeling.

The feeling of REBIRTH.