My favorite vintage store in Richmond… I not going to hide it I kinda wanted this in my home.
I found this on a railing in Richmond. It says: “Make someone tea…”
My new 15 dollar reading chair!
I didn’t buy this however I did have a good giggle at it on my thrifting adventure. I tried to find someone whom I could send this too? mhhh Vinnie? no?
Hey I look 5 don’t I? Ethan and I had a tea party late at night.
We tried a new restaurant that was so very tasty! Fried okra won my heart!
In the front is a ice cream parlor, super cute date night!
Finally tried the braiding your hair into a head band… CHECK! Mom and I had a date: Shopping at world market and buying fresh flowers and these refreshing bright drinks!
Blessed girl… On the way home we jammed out to some hip hop in traffic ;) I love her…
A friend and I made dessert hummus this week!
Yes you heard right dessert hummus!
Chocolate Espresso Hummus to be EXACT!
SO tasty! We crumbled chocolate covered espresso beans on top and dipped pazzelles in it!