Slices of Life (Sundays)

We had some amazing friends from Denmark joining the jones house last sunday. We sang and enjoyed all kinds of yummy foods.

A pretty little lady found at the bottom of my stairs.

This night was incredible and free of humidity.

We built this fire and enjoyed smore’s and pipes.

On my way to Oregon!!!

Flying standby is kinda crazy! But I got there 3 plane rides and 200 pages later!


I remember years ago going on daily walks in my neighborhood. In those earlier years I grew to love photography and writing. Often my greatest inspirations were on my very own streets winding through houses and gardens. (These are the days before I had a car)

I would observe and take in everything as a possible creative opportunity. This keen giddiness to create and learn led to many horrid photo’s and poems. But many many more good ones. You see the beat up dryers in the front yard and stop sign may not be fine models for a professional photographer, but in my young heart it was the best beginning grounds. Starting with what I had. I loved filling my brain with the colors, sight, and sounds.

There was the house that always smelt like gain washing detergent and the house with the macaw that you would hear endlessly squawking.The houses with gnomes (mild lil kid obsession) and the houses that always had christmas lights on year round.  

This is my home, not because my house is here. But because these streets are mine. I’v walked them a thousand times. I’v cried over lovers and rejoiced as I learned to ride a bike. I watched a storm rain on either side of my drive way but not on mine. I have seen my daddy work on cars and seen my sister bring home her babies from the hospital. This is my home because I know the people with the wild jungle of a back yard and the owners of the dog down the street that always seems to be getting lose. Yes it may have took all those magical childhood memories of the farms in Tennessee or the wild romping’s of europe to realize this is where my heart is. Although I will always ALWAYS roam this wild earth. This is where I will always return too. 




Discovering the pearl in the oyster…


Sometimes I’d think to myself there’s no such thing as a pearl in the freaking oyster or silver lining or hope for that matter!

I ‘d gotten bogged down by emotions like disappointment and anger. 

To read all those hippy/happy go lucky books pissed me off! Some days I’d throw them across the room and some days i’d set it down in confusion and then some days my heart would open enough to say:

YES! YES! Thats what I want!

But when my life didn’t look like that, how did I walk the path towards that silver lining called gratitude? That little pearl called joy? 


I hated this at first. Yes I will use that strong of a word, because I felt uncontrollably stupid, believing in things I didn’t feel or see.

I’d been so jaded I was tired of this “Believing” stuff. But I did it anyway.

I had my mum believing with me. I had inspiring words and quotes on my chalk board and I kept reading those books!

Somehow slowly I climbed out of depression and into joy and possibility.

Believing you can climb out is just about the hardest thing you can do when your an emotional heap of depression.

But believing is THE emotional step to take everyday to walk you closer to the life you dream of.