
I’m sitting outside with my homemade peppermint mocha, dogs cuddled up to my legs.

Chicken noodle soup cooking in the kitchen and the minutes ticking away before work arrives.

The sky is such a tranquil shade and the thyme shivers in the autumn wind.

Florence and the machine is my sound track to this moment: Falling. 

I’v had so many falling moments in the past few years. When It was all bliss until little did I know I would hit the ground.

But I have this blissful excitment that this season isn’t the same.

I just got back from Europe and my heart is so full of hunger for adventure!

I’m so thankful to all the woman who have been apart of my healing.

I love you so much. Wether I knew you for a short weekend or my whole life!

I owe it to you WOMAN, who have helped guide me through the “fallings” of life.

I have scraps and wounds like any little kiddo, but i’m getting ready to run and ride and skip despite the shaky fear!

So thank you my beautiful loves!

P.s. There have been a few men too! ;) I would never forget about you!

Call of the Wild Soul

Call of the Wild Soul

“We are strong when we stand with another soul. When we are with others, we cannot be broken.”

-Woman Who Run With the Wolves

Iv met the most expansive woman here at the (Call of the Wild Soul.)

Woman so full of identity. Raw love pours from their spacious and true hearts.

I felt like a flower bud: Ripe and ready to open and grow.

They taught me not to rush the process. That MY TIMING is perfect.

I am exactly where I should be!

It’s a spilling open season where the cage of my body has cracked open.

The BOLD vulnerbility may now blossom forth.

I committed to vulnerability being my Strength. 

 We spent the weekend eating Moroccan food and drinking red wine.

We created paintings,photographs and art journals.

We laughed and flung open the shutters of our hearts. We spilled and cried and held! 

There is nothing like being with “Like-Minded” woman. Who are burtsing with the same life as you.

Call of the Wild Soul was a home for us. A place of safety to create and let our Wild love and creativity run!

I AM so blessed to have went and returned with a re-newed heart!




Wild Soul

Hopefully my song bird doesn’t mind that I adore her so MUCH I had to share her blog!

Introducing: Madelyn Mulvaney

A incredible beauty for many reason that would take up pages upon PAGES. But for starters she is an incredible writer and photographer, that just cuddles your heart and walks you straight into her would.

I had the immense pleasure of spending several day’s in the English country side of Somerset with her at the (Call of the wild soul retreat.)

She led a course called (Persisting soul) and took us on rich photo walks full of juicy surprises! Including our friend John Turner I posted about before. We meandered the countryside and allowed the earth to fill our buckets of creativity. Once we had returned we filled our cups many times with the inspiration and drank wildly. 

Oxford was a small skip back in time.


The streets are a mix of old world cobblestone and concrete.

The men are dressed lavishly in suits and pipes, giving them the appearance of wise scholars.

Bicycle’s are left here and there, leaning against buildings like wallflowers watching the lovers walk on by.

The streets look uniquely identical. Each building has its own character of its former owner.

Creating a patchwork quilt lining the street in this fashion.

They remind me of more romantic era’s where men would sit and write poetry while drinking espresso.

-I’m in the train station hiding away from a friendly downpour. It seems the crispy cold air is running too, wrapping its fingers around my form. I complain only a little to my sister patiently waiting next to me. I day dream of living in Oxford and riding my bicycle to the book store and picking up something by Walt Whitman. I entertain the idea of drinking cold refreshing beer at The Eagle and Child while reading my poetry.My mind wanders far into another reality before it’s jarred back by the arriving of our train.

Treasures bought:

Franz Kafka book and poetry book from the 30d’s. 


Dearest John Turner,


Hiding behind evergreens nestled in an English garden.

His stories spilled over into eager ears.

His eyes thin slices of wisdom.

His wrinkles story tellers themselves.

He crafted remembering’s of his journeys in war and living in foreign countries.

He told me of the hot summer days in Singapoore when his only solace was an open window.

He told me of living in Hong Kong and how strange it is to see photographs of this enormously alive city. 

(It wasn’t such a place when I lived there he exclaimed.)

Then he came upon his favorite story:


It was like a love letter the way he described her. A great magic Island untouched by western culture.

It was magic, he told me, like a fairy land. He spoke in hushed tones.

Almost as if he was still in those years and his voice was only but vibrations soaring through time to find me in a lush garden. 

-In many ways he inspired me to pursue my dreams with bold thankfulness.

(You may meet someone ex-ordinary at any moment, who will change your life. Pay attention!)