Aug 31, 2016 | Art, Global, Healing, Love, Main, Photography, Post, Travel

How fast a year goes by, just the other day I was struggling to think of “26 goals” now I am writing 27.
*Some of my favorite things about “26” were the surprises… the non-planned adventures.
I learned that during my pursuit of desires to always keep my eyes open for magic.
It’s getting harder to write these lists, they keep getting longer and life is even more uncertain this year than ever before.
Uncertainty has a way of stealing our ability to dream, so more than ever I set to writing this list.
I will not allow my ability to dream be stolen from me.
This year the dreams are simpler because that is as far as I could stretch my heart.
Small moments of magic and pleasure. I think this is alright, dreams don’t have to be grandiose to be of value.
They just have to be real and honest. So here we go 27, lets make it a down to earth, bliss filled year!
“27 Things to do before Turning 28”
1: Go orange picking
2: See a manatee
3: Go camping on the beach (Something I have always wanted to do)
4: Purchase a travel french press and mugs for said camping
5: Visit an orchid farm
6: Explore Florida Keys, take my love scuba diving
7: Go flea marketing and antiquing for art supplies
8: Buy a good piece of handmade pottery
9: Get a tattoo
10: Photograph epic mountains
11: Photograph elk, bison or ram (Not picky)
12: Curate & photograph a bohemian picnic
13: Scan all India collages, begin compiling book
14: Get a puppy
15: Road trip the good old fashion way
16: Hold a fox (Seriously can someone help me out with this lifelong dream? Pleeeeease!)
17: Take an art workshop or go to a retreat
18: Become a brand affiliate for someone
19: Visit Utah… Hike, camp, photograph and soak in hot springs
20: Write blog posts about being self employed in the art world
21: Hire a photographer for my own brand portraits
22: Learn how to photograph the stars
23: Learn more about my genealogy
24: Take my love to the local farmers market
25: Go horseback riding with my love
26: Attend a stargazing party
27: Read 12 books
Here we go folks! Onward…
Jan 8, 2016 | Art, Global, Healing, Love, Main, Misc, Photography, Post

This list was half way written back in August when I usually post them.
As life would have a few huge changes in store coming for us in the last few months it sat idle in my notebook. Here is the revised version for our new journey…
26 things to do before turning 27! xoxo
1) Remember all those reader digest books we found in an abandoned house? Well I am going to make journals out of them!
2) Print photos from our Honey Moon at Artifact Uprising!
3) Life hack our house especially the kitchen! Seriously so many ideas to make living much easier and organized! Which translates into a much more peaceful me.
4) Write Love Letters to people whom need them. You should too, click HERE to find out why and how!
5) Collage/write my heart… It’s time. I can feel the need to create about living in India and Nepal.
6) Stream line bills. Why? Because life is easier that way.
7) Learn how to make a Cyanotype which is a photographic printing process that produces a cyan-blue print! Uh, YES please!
8) Keep getting in shape. Right before turning 26 I decided it was high time to make working out a regular part of my life.
(Not an optional one.) I am dedicated to expanding what that looks like this year!
9) Drink champagne for the first time.
10) Make art with Orly Avineri.
11) Create a desk/workspace in our new home, where I can edit without being hunched over or burning my legs.
12) To that note I also want to freshin up our bedroom, wether that means a head board or new bed spread. It has been the least focused on room in the house.
13) Use milage for an airline ticket. Where too?
14) Get my very own sleeping bag, hiking backpack and boots! For real, I am an adult now, I need to invest in proper gear.
15) So I can hike and camp more. A goal we both equally desire.
16) Visit Asheville before leaving the east coast! Go to Double D’s and Biltmore Estate.
17) Read 12 books. Focusing on Travel and or Memoirs.
18) Tin type Portraits done.
19) Learn how to re-wire a lamp. Seriously this has been on my to do list forever.
20) Go dancing with my husband.
21) Learn to make proper cocktails. You know for all those parties we throw.
22) Get a morning routine. Mine consisted of rolling out of bed, throwing on clothes and grabbing a coffee. 1o minutes flat and I was out the door. I would like a healthier version from now on. Eat protein upon waking, drink more water, take my vitamin d, moisturize my face before getting dressed and grabbing that coffee.
23) Take Nathaniel scuba diving.
24) Meet a National Geographic photographer. Shoot with them.
25) Make a list of things to do and love while living in Jacksonville. Oh and do them…
26) Apply for collage!!!!!!!
Aug 31, 2015 | Art, Global, Healing, Love, Main, Misc, painting, Photography, Post
It’s here, the day I turn 26!
This last year has woven and unwoven many new layers within my soul. So much has happened… Our first year of marriage is nearly complete and in many ways it’s feels we have been together for much longer. We made some big leaps. I learned a lot about what is really nourishing to my body, soul and mind. This last year has been minimalistic in nearly every sense. This has aloud me the space to explore what I want out of this life… scratching the surface really. The below goals feel good to revisit, to see how much I have really been able to do and the things that I still get to do. Sure some of my creative and personal goals were not “met” however so much happened that I didn’t dream would evolve within this last year. Time shape shifts our wants, dreams and goals. THIS is ok. Good even. So here it is 25 things to do before turning 26 what was checked off and what will be carried over for another day. xoxo
1: Try a Bloody Mary.
Absolutely freaking amazing!!!! My love took me to SUPPER a roof top restaurant, recently opened in our city, just to try one. Since that glorious night of falling in love, we make them all the time. Spicy bloody mary with okra in it = staple in our home!
2: Read a book a month. Any suggestions? I have 12 spots!
1) The War of Art: Break Through the Block and Win your Inner Creative Battles, By: Steven Pressfield
2) Four Hour Work Week, By: Tim Farris
3) Vagabonding: An uncommon guide to the art of long term travel, By: Rolf Potts
4) Rich Dad Poor Dad, By: Robert T. Kiyosaki
5) You Can Create an Exceptional Life, By: Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson
6) The Lost City of Z, a tale of deadly obsession in the amazon, By: David Grann
7) The Power of Now, By: Eckhart Tolle
8) Mother Night, By: Clarissa Pinkola Estes
9) The Language of Archetypes, By: Caroline Myss
10) Writing Wild, By: Tina Welling
11) The Alchemist, By: Paulo Coelho
12) When Woman Were Birds, By: Terry Tempest Williams
13) The Power of Myth, By: Joseph Campbell
14) Wild, from lost to found on the pacific crest trail By: Cheryl Strayed
15) The Sacred Ego, By: Jalaja Bonheim, PHD
3: Organize all collage papers. WISH me luck!
We moved into our new home together just before christmas. As I unpacked I had this amazing rush of organizational energy. It felt good to get rid of a ton. I thought it would be a overwhelming venture…stream line and organize, but it was a sort of healing as we moved into a new season!!!
4: Collaborate with 6 artists. Any takers?!
1) Galia Alena created Camera Craft a wonderful course full of inspiration and a few really amazing creative contributors!
2) INterview series included over creatives! Some of my favorites Hillary Rain, Danielle Cohen, Flora Bowley, Alena Hennessy!
I had so many plans for creative collaboration but have found that it took much more energy and time than I imagined. Instead of stretching myself too thin, I focused most of my collaboration time on the INterview series, which has birthed some new dreams within. Follow the threads and trust where your intuition leads you!
5: Travel to Colorado. BE in AWE of it’s majesty.
I truly wish this last year included more travel. As we made some big decisions individually and as a couple, traveling took a pause. We took this time instead to really enjoy our moments here in Virginia with new eyes.
6: Snowboard or Ski with my love.
Check! Oh the truth, the REAL not fluffy truth is I hated it. I wanted to love it. Like really love it and have my husband all proud to be with the woman who can ski! Be in awe of it/me/us. But it was frustrating and it hurt so much! But what we took away from it was I tried it. And we figured out a bit more of how we travel together. I like to meander streets and soak in the culture. He likes the extreme sports. So we will probably trade off in the future. Set up the day with dropping me off in the hip part of town while he gets his thrills on the slopes.)
7: Travel to Bali. (Hold a monkey, explore it’s temples and feast on all the richness it’s markets have…)
(Check, check and check. See here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8)

8: Can my own food. Seriously why haven’t I?
On a beautiful April spring morning my love planted tomatoes, bell peppers, cinnamon basil, jalapeños and cucumbers. We made salsa’s, basil pesto, pickles and canned various peppers for hoagie spreads and chow chow!
9: Take my love to New York City. (Eat pretzels, ride the subways and hold each others hands A LOT.) One day!
10: Write my dearest Katariina every month. So didn’t do this. ;)
11: Finish all E-courses I have began. I can’t wait to dig into Alena Hennessy’s “Year of Painting.” And Pixie Campbells ”Woman is a river.”
Intention set. Follow through… uh.. not this time. haha
12: Write an article about depression. Not yet…
13: Take a course by: Isabel Faith Ibbott. (If you don’t know who she is, you should. A goddess of writing!)
My love gifted: writing the womb, to me for christmas. A circle of woman dove into this electric writing course in the spring and it was Devine. As I was on the threshold of making many creative shifts this course aloud me the room and exploration to make clear conscious choices. I am always in awe of Isabel’s wisdom and gift of opening up voice.
14: Paint/Collage a large piece of art to hang in my new home with my love.
Nearly done, just as were about to leave this place we call home.
15: Lead 3 art work shops locally. (Inquire, I am dreaming up yummy connecting arty-ness. With tea and green houses and writing, it will be good.)
I lead one workshop this year. My first Online E-Course Sacred Vignettes (honoring your everyday Sacred), in July and it was a blast to see something I created from my belly, my bones, my heart, connect with others.
16: Water Nymph Series. (A chance to shine and feel radiant. A place to be truly seen.)

17: Outline “HOWL”. Stay posted I CANNOT wait until this baby is ready to come into the world!
I outlined what each month would offer and it felt really good to research this idea of mine. As I delved further in, the project shape shifted and due to this shape shifting I feel it is a project that will slow burn in me for a long time. It’s not ready… It’s inside but not ready.
18: BEgin tea rituals again. Idea from Lindsay Luna. Agony of Leaves was a very inspiring and healing journey for me and I intend to begin again.
I began each morning with freshly brewed coffee. Which isn’t quite as good for you as tea, however I focused the same intention and presence. I started everyday with bringing water to a boil and carefully enjoying the small moment of beginning a new day in that early morning glow.
19: (This one is a secrete, I will share when it is time.) ***QUIT***
A HOLY yes, on January 6th, 2015 I got to quit a job that was not feeding my soul and I am so glad I was able to do so. Since then I have been curating Interviews for A Global Walk, Photographing all sorts of Love, Writing for magazines and creating local workshops and online E-courses. It is the leap of leaps for me, it is a great accomplishment and I am so proud to say I am doing it!
20: Pursue publications.
I have really enjoyed writing and photographing for magazines and books this last year. It is something I will continue to pursue that fills me with a HUGE sense of creative fire and thankfulness. A few I have loved A World of Artists Journal Pages, Bohemian collective, Artful Blogging.
21: Photograph some intimate shoots. Woman SHOULD feel sexy and seen. Get your lingerie ready or come without it.
It’s really amazing when woman show up fully embodied. I only did a few of these sessions, but truly they are some of my favorite. I love when woman feel sensually awakened. I love capturing a part of them they rarely see crystalized. I love showing them what their lover sees. I love “Love…”
22: Create a home with intention and attention. Photo’s to be shared when the home arrives to us!
One of my favorite parts about this past year was creating a home. My body takes in everything the world throws at me like a sponge. Most of the time I adore this sort of soaking up, but in an effort to balance this aspect about my body/spirit I keep my home pretty minimalistic. I stick to earthy tones and earthy materials. My body can relax here and not be over stimulated.
Wooden stumps from our wedding alter are our coffee tables. A crystal engineer print hangs above our fire place. A taxidermy fox given to me as a birthday present from a dear friends, prowls above my kitchen cabinents. Lots of antlers and large white pillar candles, everywhere!
The only color I really have are in the few paintings I have up from the lovely Katariina Fagering, Orly Avineri and Sabrina Ward Harrison. **Katariina’s painting is the one featured below!

23: ACTUALLY, FINALLY begin yoga. It has been calling me for what seems like forever. It is time to learn flexibility and breath through life.
Intention lead me to taking care of my body much more this year. Moving it outdoors and listening to it’s cues. I began a habit of working out every single day. But alas I did not practice yoga other than like twice. ;)
24: Share gratitude lists on here.
Check! Here, here…
25: Wed to my love on a autumn day.
Nov 15, 2014 We wed under gothic mossy tree’s near the sea. We lit scandinavian bon fires and danced with intimate friends and family.